Brussels, BE

Summer dresses!

31-05-2017, by Mieke

Oh, how I love hot and summery weather! ☀️ The more sun and heat, the more fun I have! Sometimes, I think it would be a good idea to move to a place with higher temperatures, but for now, I will just enjoy those few tropical days a year that Belgium and The Netherlands have to offer.

And what's a summery day without a flowing summer dress, right?

I love dresses for hot days. It's a super fast way to get ready, enjoy the sun, give your legs some well deserved Vitamin D (after some sunscreen of course ☝🏻), but most of all: to feel like a lady! I prefer dresses that are flowing, instead of figure hugging. That way, you'll feel the air coming through the fabric, instead of sweating away while you're body-consciously trying to suck in your belly and keep everything in place.

The perfect summer dress is both comfortable and super feminine!


I vividly remember myself as a little girl. I always wanted to wear dresses, so that I could twirl around and feel like a princess (back then I didn't realize that showing my underwear was far from princess-like behavior, but ok). The red dress has a slightly flared bottom, which brings back those memories and gives that girly feeling. The white flowers tone down the red of the dress and - needless to say - are super cute! 🌹


The zebra-printed outfit can be dressed up with a feminine sandal, but can easily be turned into a casual look with a white sneaker. It's super comfortable and easy-to-wear, but the cut in the front also gives a hint of sexiness. When I wore it last weekend at a birthday party and reached over to get a snack from the table, a friend of mine suggested not to bend over toooooo much.. 😁 

So ladies, let's hope and pray for some more of these tropical days, so we can show off our legs, femininity and playfulness..


If you want to shop these, or comparable items, then head over to the shop.

See you in my next blogpost!

😘 Mieke


Nice to meet you, my name is Mieke Geevers; Givers.

It’s my dream to make it easy for women worldwide to feel good about themselves. Fast reads and videos about sports, food, beauty and fashion. Feel free to browse through my website, comment, like or share, you're welcome!