Brussels, BE

Floral happiness

30-10-2017, by Mieke

Last week I was invited to a Bloomon workshop and it so much fun! Bloomon is flower abonnement that delivers a bouquet of flowers at your doorstep whenever you want. You can choose the size of your bouquet - small, medium and large - and you can choose how often you want to receive your floral happiness - weekly, biweekly or monthly. Apart from that, the bouquet you receive is always super fresh, very much on-trend, but one big and happy surprise 🌿🌷🌱🌹🌾🌻

Growing up, we always had flowers in our home and my mum’s love for flowers was passed on to me. Flowers have the ability to make a house your home, so after our move to Brussels, a simple bouquet of tulips was one of the first things purchased.

That being said, I’m not blessed with a talent for flower arranging (putting it mildly 😜), so I was eager to learn at the Bloomon workshop. And boy, did I learn!

Here are some of tips to make your bouquet look like you envisioned it AND to make your flowers last longer.

✔️ Make sure your vase is super clean. Even dishwashing doesn’t kill the bacteria in the vase, so it’s a good idea to use bleach when you clean your vase.

✔️ Make sure your water is super clean. Always use the little sachet you get together with the flowers you buy. They contain sugar, to open the flowers, and chlorine, to clean the water. If you’re changing the water after some days, clean the vase thoroughly and add a little bit of bleach to the water. (Really??? Yes, really! 👍🏻)

✔️ Don’t put the entire bouquet in your vase all at once (this is a big no no and I’ve always been guilty 😬). Cut off just one centimeter of every one of the stems, place every flower in your vase separately and create your bouquet. Turn the vase regularly, to make it look great from every angle.

✔️ Don’t put to much water in the vase and your flowers will last longer. Only fill the vase for a third with water. The deeper the stems are in the water, the more bacteria will grow in the water and they will get slimy and weak; no bueno for the flowers 😬

✔️ Create a cross in the vase with the first 2 or 3 flowers and start building from there. Place every flower over the cross and you’ll notice that every flower will end up in your bouquet just the way you want it to 👊🏻😉

Since Bloomon is a Dutch company, I already heard about it from some very enthusiastic friends. I’m so happy that they finally found their way into the French speaking part of Belgium, so I can now enjoy Bloomon too, yay!

I’m loving my beautiful bouquet so much and I can’t wait to open the door for the next delivery of happiness ☺️

See you in my next post!

Kisses Mieke 🌸

Nice to meet you, my name is Mieke Geevers; Givers.

It’s my dream to make it easy for women worldwide to feel good about themselves. Fast reads and videos about sports, food, beauty and fashion. Feel free to browse through my website, comment, like or share, you're welcome!